Friday, December 7, 2012

PMS Workout

No, that is not a typo. Gasp! It's true, I am declaring to whoever reads this (probably no one) that I have PMS this week. If you say you have never had PMS then you are probably on your menses right now and a liar. Yep! You are a LIAR!

Now that we have established that I do, in fact, express PMS in typed digital words we can now move on.

Working out while suffering from this strange torturous phenomenon is helpful. I can push out all that murderous bloody anger into something productive. Jillian Michaels couldn't even keep up with me. She is famous for being the crazy trainer from The Biggest Loser. She has made people cry and probably even consider suicide or even murder.

Ok that is a but dramatic, I'll admit it.

However, I feel that I could have ran that women into the fetal position wishing for a Snickers with the words that were coursing through my brain during my workout. I'm not usually this mean but I REALLY hate working out. I love the after not the before or during.

Let me tell you, I was never this much of a hag until I got my IUD. So what do I do with all this IUD induced PMS? Every punch is aimed right at Her face.

Boy oh boy do I feel so much better when my workout is over.

So what do I do with all that raging PMS when I am not working out and it creeps up on me when I least expect it? I use Release. No, this is not a weird tranquil thing. It's an Essential Oil thing.

How do I apply it?
-directly on my wrists, behind my ears, over my lower abdomen (targeting my overies), on the bottom of my feet and right under my nose. I also diffuse it.

I notice my PMS disappear when I use this.

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