Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cassy The Lab Rat

I ran out of overnight oats. You know, the oats I put in a jar with all the hippy stuff like chia seeds and Greek yogurt? I didn't make any last night because I wanted to see if it made a difference.

Yesterday, after having my oats, I didn't drink any caffeine until the late afternoon. Today I started my morning with diced ham, hash browns, and scrambled eggs. I then had a caffeinated beverage. NOT GOOD! This all occurred before my workout.

So what about workout performance? Exactly. What about it? I had zero endurance or energy. I felt like a slug moving through each move.

So what is my experiment teaching me? That I need to have a healthy breakfast packed with protein and healthy sugars or I waste a workout.

Yesterday I told you I hate working out. Think about going through the motions of a workout and wasting that time because you just couldn't get into it. Yeah, shizzy.

I will be making more oats today. I will start tomorrow off right. I will take full advantage of my workout.

Wish me luck. Xoxo

Friday, December 7, 2012

PMS Workout

No, that is not a typo. Gasp! It's true, I am declaring to whoever reads this (probably no one) that I have PMS this week. If you say you have never had PMS then you are probably on your menses right now and a liar. Yep! You are a LIAR!

Now that we have established that I do, in fact, express PMS in typed digital words we can now move on.

Working out while suffering from this strange torturous phenomenon is helpful. I can push out all that murderous bloody anger into something productive. Jillian Michaels couldn't even keep up with me. She is famous for being the crazy trainer from The Biggest Loser. She has made people cry and probably even consider suicide or even murder.

Ok that is a but dramatic, I'll admit it.

However, I feel that I could have ran that women into the fetal position wishing for a Snickers with the words that were coursing through my brain during my workout. I'm not usually this mean but I REALLY hate working out. I love the after not the before or during.

Let me tell you, I was never this much of a hag until I got my IUD. So what do I do with all this IUD induced PMS? Every punch is aimed right at Her face.

Boy oh boy do I feel so much better when my workout is over.

So what do I do with all that raging PMS when I am not working out and it creeps up on me when I least expect it? I use Release. No, this is not a weird tranquil thing. It's an Essential Oil thing.

How do I apply it?
-directly on my wrists, behind my ears, over my lower abdomen (targeting my overies), on the bottom of my feet and right under my nose. I also diffuse it.

I notice my PMS disappear when I use this.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Essential Oils: En-R-Gee

This oil was named perfectly. It's a blended oil which means it is a blend of essential oils to make a perfectly constructed cocktail. In this case, it is a mix of energy boosting oils. I dab a drop behind each ear, on my wrists, and my navel. I do this before my workout and after my post workout shower. I love the smell. It's a musky citrus and I can wear it without any perfume.

Sometimes I put a few drops in my plain lotion and rub it all over my body like I would any kind of lotion. It is fresh and I can smell it all day long.

If I need a boost during the day I grab the bottle to smell it or I diffuse it in my oil diffuser.

If you want to know more about this oil visit

Day 2

Wow. Um. Not sure what to say.

I did a lot better today. I didn't pause as often. I wasn't able to go as deep into my squats and lunges, but I did not give up.

I think having had my healthy breakfast boost (overnight oats) I was able to maintain my energy and work efficiently.

To finish strong I had a Light Chocolate Muscle Milk followed with a big glass of water. Once my muscle milk settles I will be using my essential oils. I put them in a capsule twice a day. I will share with you my combo and what they do and how I feel after.

*I promise not to be a sales person for oils. I will, however, talk about them often. They are a big part of my life.*

Healthy Start

Last night I made overnight oats and this morning it was ready. It was SOOO yummy. Blackberries and cocoa. Yum. It's jam packed full of protein and fiber. I took a screen shot of the instructions so I could share. I add a tsp of brown sugar and 3tb of honey. A friendly tip: warm the honey or you get one yummy glob. I made sure to warm it last night when I mixed it and it made a big difference. I also use honey vanilla light Greek yogurt too.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm Back!

Yep, that's right! It's been too long. I bet you all have given up on me. Figured I was a quitter. No way! I had my gallbladder taken out so back off negative Nancy.

Today was my first day back in the ring. I did day one, workout one, of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. It was so hard. After my surgery I lost weight. Probably due to the fact that my body hates functioning without a gallbladder and I can't eat some items at all anymore. I cannot drink water without pain. What is up with that?

That rant is being saved for a different post. Don't worry. You will get all the fun details pre-op and post-op. I will even tell you about how Miss Daisy arrived (my newest niece).

So back to the important stuff...I haven't gained back any weight after my surgery but I have lost my progress, endurance, and motivation. I had to pause quite a bit during the workout. Can you say lame?

My newest goal is to make it to the end of week one and hopefully get back to my endurance level from before my surgery. I trust my body. It knows how to do this. It just needs to wake up.

I can do this! I will do this! Why? Because my ultimate goal for weight loss isn't about me. It's about bringing another life into this world. I want to bring another baby into our family but I need to do it healthier. I was healthy with my first. I will reach my goals for baby #2. If I don't Cash will end up an only child.

The stakes are high....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I had my gallbladder out on Monday. Due to doctors orders I am not allowed to work out until further notice. I have a post op check up in 2 weeks. Dang. That is a long time to wait to work out when I have been doing so well. I am just going to start over on the Ripped in 30 workout when I am cleared to start back up. It is going to hard but I know I can do it. I will do it. My body will hurt and I will love every second of it. With my gallbladder gone I should have more energy and be able to tolerate my diet and gain endurance easier. Wish me luck. I hope to be posting progress on here soon. xoxoxoxo ---- Cassy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Workout Buddy

His name is Squid. He is not supportive at all. He tries to snuggle during abs and chases my shoe laces during cardio. He gets mad when I kiss his head while I do push ups yet he insists in laying under me.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ripped in 30

Day 1 done. I feel fantastic!! It was so hard. I only stopped once. I almost pee'd my pants! Yes, I have issues since having Cash. If you haven't already started working out start now! I feel amazing!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Bra Speaks The Truth

I usually latch my bra in the last notch. Also known as the notch that gives you most space. However, today, I used the middle notch! It's not too tight or uncomfortable. It fits just right!!!

Yep, that is change. Change to my body. Change to the way I think, eat, and feel.


I actually enjoy doing my workouts now. BAM! There it is!

Five more days and I will be done with my first day of The Ripped workout. I am nervous and excited. Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rock Bottom

This is when I decided to change. Cash looks cute. I look huge. Not at all how I envisioned myself. Why could I not see how big I was getting? This day I changed everything. I started eating better and working out. I never want to look like this again.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Yep, I most threw up during my workout. SICK! Two more days till level 3 of the 30 day shred! I am so nervous. Not sure what to expect from Jillian Michael or myself.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Favorite Move

This is a military press. I think this is my favorite. Not because it works me out harder (it does) but because I can balance now. When I first started I could barely stand up straight. I know that sounds crazy. You try holing weights and stand on one foot. It's hard. Then as you lift the weight above your head kick your lifted leg out. Did you fall over? I did it today without stopping to catch my balance.

I am getting stronger. That is proof my body is changing.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weighing In

Drum roll......

2 pounds in 10 days. So disappointed. I wanted to lose more. I can feel I have inches though. I'm probably toning muscle at the same time though. (Can you tell I'm trying to make myself feel better).

I refuse to eat diet food that I won't maintain afterwards. So I have been eating smaller portions and not snacking. My meal choices are smarter too.

Warning TMI: I am on my monthly cycle and I think that could give me a false reading. Unfortunately, I won't weigh in again for 10 days.

My new goal for level 2 is 5 pounds. I hope I can reach it. I do badly want to be a healthier me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Level 1 - DONE!

I start level 2 tomorrow. I weigh in tomorrow. I'm a little nervous for tomorrow. I'm going to start Doing a plank everyday starting tomorrow. I'm going to time
Myself daily and hopefully increase my time daily.

Am I really doing this? When did I become the chick that works out?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Next Time

I didn't have any plans when I gave birth to Cash. I just went with it. I did as the nurse and doctor instructed me. It worked out well. I have no regrets at all. I feel like it was a great experience.

Next time I want to be drug free by choice instead of on accident. I want to try and pull the baby out. I want to be able to sit in a tub during the heavy contractions. I do not want a water birth. I want Cash there after I've had a chance to clean up. I don't want to look scary.

I've been thinking a lot about this as I have been working on my weight loss. My #1 goal is to weigh less when I get pregnant the second time than I did the first time by at least 10 pounds.

Why are you losing weight? And if you haven't started yet why do you want to start?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 8: Done

Workout 8 is done. I am starting to get really nervous for my weigh in. I am so scared to see what has changed. I hope it moves. I had a goal of 5 pounds. I just hope I make it. I have been very careful and working so very hard.

My calves feel as if they could rip through my flesh. No joke. They are killing me. OUCH!

Things I have noticed.....My knees don't hurt as bad. My back doesn't ache as often. I can stretch deeper. Things are changing.

Send me weight loss luck please!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


No this is not a post about Obama. I do not post about politics. If I did however, Obama would be a waste of my time........

So back to what I was getting at...I bought some sweats a week ago. They are XL and when I got home they were form fitting. That's ok because they were still comfortable. I put them on again today and they fit a wee bit on the loose side. :) YES! the first sign of change.

It's a little thing but it made my day.

Did you know I finished day 6 this morning? I'll be starting workout two on day 11. I am nervous. I just started feeling coordinated in workout one.

Let's hope I can wear some of my skinny jeans soon.

Friday, September 14, 2012


My shadow is why work out #5 is going to rock tonight.


Chicken Alfredo
1 yellow tomato


1/2 banana
1 peach
3/4 cup fat free vanilla yogurt

It was delicious.


I loathe this woman.

Easy Button

It's so much easier to just not care. Today is workout 5 and I just want to quit. I'm so sore. I feel a change but I can't see it yet. I caught my reflection yesterday and hated it. I felt huge and gross. I expected to see a difference when I looked. I hope all this work is changing things.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feeling Good

Workout 2 went well last night. I wanted to cut off my feet and throw them out of the window though. I tried yet another pair of shoes to fix my pain issue.

My feet hurt on the top and sides. They seriously ache. Especially when doing side lunges with an arm raise. I don't know if the way I stand is causing it. Maybe its the shoe? Laces? I have tried a lot of things to remedy it. Any suggestions would be great. I am thinking maybe it is my body screaming because it's changing. Who knows.....

I am sore but I feel more confident. I feel like every ache is a good ache and that is my body changing. I am getting stronger and healthier.

Today I decided to wear and outfit that I would not wear normally because it shows too much of my Goo Ball Belly. I wore it because I felt good in it. It's a cute yellow dress and leggings. Leggings usually make me realize how fat my legs are by leaving deep red marks at the elastic but today they are comfortable. WOOT!

Could I be changing already?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Why do I want to lose weight?

1- so my wedding ring will fit again
2- so I can run in the mud next year
3- so I can buy the clothes I want instead of what is made for my shape
4- so I can join the adult water polo team
5- so we can have another baby
6- so i can enjoy shopping again
7- so my stretch marks shrink

What are your reasons?

I am Accountable For Me

Not only do I need to improve myself but I am an example to my family. If I am not healthy, then neither is my family. This will be a 30 day challenge not just for me but for all of us. We will be eating healthier. I will slowly remove soda from our diet. I will also try and replace one meal a day with a green smoothie. This is a huge challenge for me because breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I love pancakes, eggs, hash browns, biscuits, and all sorts of other unhealthy breakfast foods. I will document it here.

With my first workout down and weight logged I am well on my way to weight loss.

First 10 day goal: 5 pounds down.

Wish me luck!